JCov Tutorial | Coverage tool installation and simple use case
This tutorial is intended to help on how to build JCov and demonstrate a simple use case. This tutorial is for Ubuntu.
First Step in to install Java, in my case I have installed Java 8. Below are the command to install.
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
Next step is to install apache ant and mercurial. Use the below commands to install:
- sudo apt-get install ant
- sudo apt-get install mercurial
Next download asm framework and JT Harness from the below url, these two are required to build JCov
Asm framework: wget http://download.forge.ow2.org/asm/asm-5.0.1-bin.zip
JT Harness: wget https://adopt-openjdk.ci.cloudbees.com/job/jtharness/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jtharness-4.6.tar.gz
Extract asm-5.0.1-bin.zip and jtharness-4.6.tar.gz
In my setup Asm framework and JT Harness were downloaded and extracted at /home/test therefore my path for Asm framework is /home/test/asm-5.0.1/lib/all/asm-all-5.0.1.jar and for JT Harness /home/test/javatest/lib/javatest.jar
Next we need to clone JCov repo, use the below command to clone the repo
Now we have installed all the dependencies and ready to build JCov. Go to jcov/build directory and use the below commands. Don’t forget to replace your path for Asm framework and JT Harness in the command.
- ant clean
- ant -v -f build.xml -Dasmjar5=/home/test/asm-5.0.1/lib/all/asm-all-5.0.1.jar -Djavatestjar=/home/test/jtharness/lib/javatest.jar
This should build JCov, now lets test JCov with a sample use case, save the below code as Hello.java:
public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
System.out.println(“Hello World”);
- Compile using java
javac Hello.java
- Instrument it
java -jar /home/test/jcov/JCOV_BUILD/jcov_3.0/jcov.jar Instr Hello.class
This step should generate template.xml file
- Run it
java -classpath .:/home/test/jcov/JCOV_BUILD/jcov_3.0/jcov_file_saver.jar Hello
Hello can be replace with the test case class. This step should generate result.xml
- Generate report
java -jar /home/test/jcov/JCOV_BUILD/jcov_3.0/jcov.jar RepGen -o report result.xml
Report should be created in report folder. Open it using the below command:
xdg-open report/index.html
In a similar way jar files can also be instrumented, in the instrumentation step just replace Hello.class file with the desired jar. If you want code highlighting available then you may need to pass -src flag during report generation. Below is an example:
java -jar /home/test/jcov/JCOV_BUILD/jcov_3.0/jcov.jar RepGen -src /home/test/workspace/Hello/src/ -o report result.xml
Works fine with class files but not with jar. can u please help me with it giving an example or simply telling me why it didn’t work?
you can see the error I encountered here : “http://stackoverflow.com/q/41242330/6790957”
later i switched to jacoco as i wanted to intrument jars on the fly.
may be today in the evening or tomorrow i will write a post on using jacoco.